Nội dung chính

Phụ Lục

When comparing types of happiness, the Buddha said that mental happiness is supreme. Once lecturing the merchant Anāthapindika, the Buddha said there are four kinds of happiness, namely happiness of possession, enjoyment, no debt and purity. And these three kinds of happiness (physical) are not one-sixteenth of the happiness due to pure (spiritual) body, speech and mind. He also said that property harms the fool but does not harm the seeker. The one who seeks purpose, according to Buddhism, is the one who shuns craving (tanhā).

Happiness can only be experienced through meditation. Once, after arguing with the heathens, the Buddha asked who was happier between him and King Bimbisara? The pagans replied that he lived happier, because the king could not meditate for seven days, six days, five days… until an hour; whereas, the Buddha, on the contrary, he could meditate for an hour… for up to a week.

By Ven. Thich Tam Duc

Nội dung chính

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