He was the eldest son of king Tran Thai Tong. He was a king, patriot and hero. He was also famous for his generosity and humaneness. He proposed a unity policy; advocated easing people’s labour, promoted and recruited talented men for the state machine through competition examinations, and expanded democracy. During his…Read More
13-12-23 Thích Tâm ĐứcWhen comparing types of happiness, the Buddha said that mental happiness is supreme. Once lecturing the merchant Anāthapindika, the Buddha said there are four kinds of happiness, namely happiness of possession, enjoyment, no debt and purity. And these three kinds of happiness (physical) are not one-sixteenth of the happiness due to pure (spiritual) body, speech…Read More
22-10-23 Thích Tâm ĐứcBuddhist economics is a field within the study of economics that focuses on the application of Buddhist philosophy to economic and social problems. It examines the importance of Buddhist principles such as compassion, justice, companionship and improvisation in building a sustainable and happy economy and society. The history of Buddhist economics can…Read More
19-10-23 Thích Tâm ĐứcConflict is the same old story of human being of anywhere and of any times. It easily occurs inside a person or inside a family or in a large scale, among races or nations; and when doing so it leads to suffering or even to the end of the world! So, it is…Read More
13-10-23 Thích Tâm ĐứcOn October 7, 2023, we representatives of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP), gathered at the Vietnam Buddhist Academy in Ho Chi Minh City. HCMC, Vietnam in preparation for the 12th General Assembly of ABCP, scheduled to take place on December 16-17, 2023 in Delhi, India, and discuss the urgent issue of conflict-affected countries…Read More
10-10-23 Thích Tâm ĐứcPAST: From A.D. 43 to A.D. 1975 (except 1010 A.D. 1010 – A.D. 1400): foreign aggressions or civil wars. PRESENT: From 1975 up to now. Map of land routes and sea routes in Asia in ancient times A. VIETNAMESE BUDDHISM IN THE PAST I. Preserving the Nation culture and independence Sĩ Nhiếp (137 – 226): Sĩ…Read More
05-10-23 Thích Tâm ĐứcDear friends, If you feel despair, depression, discontent, anger, …. then not to give up your life with the depraved playboy, revenge, or even disruptive, ending your life. Such negative solutions only bring suffering to yourself and to others in the present and future! Keep calm. This life suffering is true because even the so-called…Read More
05-09-23 Thích Tâm ĐứcDEAR READERS, This website has a Vietnamese Buddhism section to help readers, especially foreigners, know more about the writer’s thoughts, feelings, and understanding about Buddhism and life. The writer’s views are only personal and do not represent anyone or any organization, but just want to share his/her mind with everyone. Respectfully yours, Ven. Dr. Thich…Read More
05-09-23 Thích Tâm Đức